[Gate-users] forceWireframe : visualization problem

Matthieu Dondey m.dondey at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 16:16:34 CET 2015

Dear GATE users,

Im quite new at using Gate and I'm currently having a problem with the
forceWireframe feature.

I have tried it with a VGate version that I installed on a windows7 host
and it worked fine. But when I try it on my ubuntu Gate installation,
volumes that I create are partially rendered (cylinder = only 2 circles) or
totally absent (my spheres don't show at all !)

Has anyone encountered the same problem ?

These are the logs that I have with VGate :

ERROR: Viewer "viewer-0 (OpenGLStoredQt)" not found - "/vis/viewer/list"

to see possibilities.

WARNING: The vis manager will keep up to 10 events.

This may use a lot of memory.

It may be changed with, e.g., "/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate 10".


1e-06 2.3

5e-06 1.3

6e-06 3.2

7e-06 6.7


1e-06 1.33

5e-06 1.33

6e-06 1.33

7e-06 1.33








G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(): A volume of the same name and

copy number ("world_phys", copy 0) still exists and is being used.

But it is not the same volume you originally specified

in /vis/scene/add/.

These are my logs using Gate where I have my forceWireframe problem:

ERROR: Viewer "viewer-0 (OpenGLStoredQt)" not found - "/vis/viewer/list"

to see possibilities.

ERROR: Viewer "viewer-0 (OpenGLStoredQt)" not found - "/vis/viewer/list"

to see possibilities.

WARNING: The vis manager will keep up to 10 events.

This may use a lot of memory.

It may be changed with, e.g., "/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate 10".

G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(): A volume of the same name and

copy number ("world_phys", copy 0) still exists and is being used.

But it is not the same volume you originally specified

in /vis/scene/add/.


G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(): A volume of the same name and

copy number ("world_phys", copy 0) still exists and is being used.

But it is not the same volume you originally specified

in /vis/scene/add/.

And this is the same macro used in both versions


/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase GateMaterials.db

#  V I S U A L I Z A T I O N
/vis/open OGL
/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 60 60
/vis/viewer/zoom 1
/vis/viewer/set/style surface
/tracking/storeTrajectory 1
/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate 10

# W O R L D
/gate/world/geometry/setXLength 100. cm
/gate/world/geometry/setYLength 100. cm
/gate/world/geometry/setZLength 100. cm

#  fantome
/gate/world/daughters/name volumeFant
/gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder
/gate/volumeFant/setMaterial Water
/gate/volumeFant/geometry/setRmax 5 cm
/gate/volumeFant/geometry/setHeight 20 cm

/gate/volumeFant/placement/setRotationAxis 1 0 0
/gate/volumeFant/placement/setRotationAngle 90 deg

#  source-volume
/gate/volumeFant/daughters/name volSource
/gate/volumeFant/daughters/insert sphere
/gate/volSource/setMaterial Water
/gate/volSource/geometry/setRmax 0.5 cm
/gate/volSource/vis/setColor yellow
/gate/volSource/placement/setTranslation 10. 10. 0. cm

/vis/viewer/zoom 3

Best regards,

Matthieu Dondey
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