[Gate-users] parallelepiped source (Ahmed Elmekawy)

Ahmed Elmekawy ahmedfelmekawy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 00:30:04 CET 2015

Dear Hojjat,

Thanks a lot, I tried to do that before and it is not working but I guess
the parallelepiped source is not implemented yet to the Gate (Page 25), I
found that in the user guide but for the Phantom, I am not sure if that
also for the source.

Best Regards,

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 1:29 PM, Hojjat Mahani <hojjat.mahani at gmail.com>

> Dear Ahmed,
> In addition to the Nada's comment, try the following (instead what you had
> entered):
> /gate/source/F18CylinderSource/gps/shape Para
> /gate/source/F18CylinderSource/gps/paralp  90. deg
> /gate/source/F18CylinderSource/gps/parthe  90. deg
> /gate/source/F18CylinderSource/gps/parphi   90. deg
> Side note: Be sure that the "90 degrees" angles are reasonable as well.
> Hope this help!
> Hojjat
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