[Gate-users] Gate-users Digest, Vol 105, Issue 20

Sara Beilla beilla.sara1 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 13:57:32 CET 2015

Message 2:

Hi Sylvain,

If you need accelerator data only to create an output file, ie a phase
space that contains the history of
all the particles coming out of the Varian Clinac 2300, you can use the
software Primo that contains the
caractéristics of your clinac accelerator.
I have set an example in the link below to illustrate to you:


If you need more information don't hesitate.
Best regards,



*Beilla Sara*
Doctorante en Charge d'Enseignement

INSERM Unité 825
Imagerie Cérébrale & Handicaps Neurologiques
CHU PURPAN - Pavillon Baudot
Bureau 326 - 3ème étage
Place du Dr Baylac 31024
TOULOUSE - Cedex 3

INSERM Unité 1037
Equipe 15: Multi-resolution dosimetry for radiotherapy optimization
Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Toulouse, Equipe 15
133, route de Narbonne. Bâtiment A3, Biophysique.
31062 Toulouse Cedex. France

E-mail: sara.beilla at inserm.fr

2015-02-18 12:00 GMT+01:00 <
gate-users-request at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>:

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: How to make complicate phantom (Hojjat Mahani)
>    2. Varian Clinac 2300 Silhouette (REUZE SYLVAIN)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 18:33:49 +0330
> From: Hojjat Mahani <hojjat.mahani at gmail.com>
> To: GATErs <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
> Subject: Re: [Gate-users] How to make complicate phantom
> Message-ID:
>         <CALdX4WP=
> iZE2KKO4QwqAi_okrkYBWVvs7Pneo9rei8Fo9G0J1g at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi,
> The provided code seems to be correct for such a multi-system Gate
> simulation. I think the problem may come from the rest of your script (for
> example, "digitizer" modules) where you should specify readout level.
> P.S.: I would recommend you to use a more generalized system type,
> "scanner", instead of the "SPECThead" one.
> Good luck,
> Hojjat
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> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 16:43:27 +0000
> From: REUZE SYLVAIN <SYLVAIN.REUZE at gustaveroussy.fr>
> To: "gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org"
>         <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
> Cc: MARTINETTI Florent <Florent.MARTINETTI at gustaveroussy.fr>,   ROBERT
>         CHARLOTTE <CH.ROBERT at gustaveroussy.fr>
> Subject: [Gate-users] Varian Clinac 2300 Silhouette
> Message-ID:
>         <B3429882877FFB44A20845EC89FF29912E7C9F91 at SRV-MBX-01.intra.igr.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dear all,
> Does anyone know if there are mac files for the 6 MV photon beams of
> Varian Clinac 2300 Silhouette ?
> Best regards,
> Sylvain Reuz?
> Stagiaire physicien
> D?partement de Radioth?rapie
> Service de physique m?dicale
> T?l. : 01 42 11 54 06
> www.gustaveroussy.fr<http://www.gustaveroussy.fr>
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