[Gate-users] GATE 7.0 Installation

Kris Thielemans kris.f.thielemans at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 08:52:32 CET 2015



ccmake is just an interactive interface to cmake. cmake-gui is a GUI
version. You can run cmake directly but then have to fill in variables from
the command line. E.g.


cmake -D myvar=myvalue


There is nothing GATE specific here (or STIR). Just check the cmake doc.




From: gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
[mailto:gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org] On Behalf Of
Hojjat Mahani
Sent: 12 February 2015 07:42
To: GATErs
Subject: Re: [Gate-users] GATE 7.0 Installation


Hello David,



Thank you so much for such warnings, I do take your advice seriously. 


I would be highly appreciated if you let me know that can one install Gate
7.0 using "cmake" instead of "ccmake"? Is there any documentation describing
how to do that?


Thank you David for your concerns, 



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