[Gate-users] Simmulation problem

iphone knap.michal at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 30 14:27:20 CET 2015

Hi all, 
i'm having problem running my simmulation. 

GateOutputMgr.cc (l.436): No output module nor actor are enabled. This simulation will store no result at all.
                     All output modules and actors have to be explicitly enabled now.
                     However if you want to launch this simulation, use the command /gate/output/allowNoOutputGateOutputMgr.cc (l.436): No output module nor actor are enabled. This simulation will store no result at all.
                     All output modules and actors have to be explicitly enabled now.
                     However if you want to launch this simulation, use the command /gate/output/allowNoOutput

can anybidy tell me what is wrong?
​ I need to have output files in root.
/gate/output/root/setFileName minigamma1pointsourceoncollimator​

(Ubuntu 14.04/Gate7.0/Geant4.9.6.p04
​/Root 5.34.34​
I'll be very thankfull for any advice and help.

Best Regards

Z wyrazami szacunku

Michał Knap 

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