[Gate-users] Gate: phase-space files

REYNAERT NICK n-reynaert at o-lambret.fr
Mon Dec 28 18:12:08 CET 2015


I've recently started using Gate for radiotherapy applications. There is something that I don't really understand regarding the usage of phase-space files. 
First of all when a phase-space file is generated in IAEA format, the number of primary histories is not correctly written in the .IAEAheader file. Obviously this can be corrected manually. But when a phantom calculation uses this phase-space file as a source, this info does not seem to be used and the dose is wrongly (or not at all) normalized.
The output is in Gy, instead of the more conventional Gy/primary_history. The fact that a history is a primary is saved in the phase-space file and this info is normally used by a MC engine to normalize the dose correctly (this is e.g. the case in Gamos as well). I think this is mandatory if the Monte Carlo system is going to be used for absolute treatment plan validation. So I was wondering if I have overlooked something, or how others perform this normalization in Gate ?

Many thanks in advance !!!


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