[Gate-users] Post-doctoral position on bayesian reconstruction at Orsay (near Paris)

Simon Stute simon.stute at cea.fr
Wed Dec 9 14:03:58 CET 2015


We have a post-doctoral position open in our lab at Orsay.

It is about full Bayesian reconstructions (computation of the complete a 
posteriori distribution) that will be mainly applied to PET/MR data, 
acquired on the GE Signa recently installed in our lab. The MR images 
are used to guide the PET reconstruction through the use of a joint 
prior between PET and MR data. The problem of attenuation estimation 
from PET/MR data has also been integrated in the method.

I attach a small document describing the project and associated context.

Please feel free to contact me or Claude Comtat for any question.

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