[Gate-users] empty output with GPU example from GATE

Camille Metz cmetz at eos-imaging.com
Thu Dec 3 10:16:07 CET 2015

Dear GATE users,

I have to run GATE programs on a GPU card (NVIDIA Geforce Titan X on a PC with Ubuntu 15.04, CUDA 7.5).

Before running my own programs, I tried to run the GPU CT example included with the installation. They worked just fine on CPU, but had no output on GPU (and did not seem much quicker by the way). I tried different IDs for the GPUDevice as well as different max buffer sizes in the macro file, but it did not change anything.

I tried to run it both with Gate 7.0 (Geant4 9.6.p04, root5.34) and 7.1 (Geant4 10.01, root5.34) and the results were exactly the same (see attached): .root output is empty, although there is no error message while running (nor in the end).

I attached the .txt outputs of one CPU run and one GPU run and the .root output for the GPU run (I could attach the one for CPU, it is too big (12 Mo)).

As I am rather a beginner with GATE, maybe I just missed configuring something important (although my GPU card is recognized by the system and PyCuda examples run well, for instance). However, I did not find any clues on forums about this problem, that is why I am writing here.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Camille Metz

Biophysics student from the Ecole Polytechnique

Intern at EOS Imaging
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