[Gate-users] Ring repeater bug?

Paul Betteridge paul.betteridge at adaptiximaging.com
Fri Aug 28 15:57:52 CEST 2015

Dear Anders,

It has worked fine for me before now. (I'm using Gate 7.0 in the vGate 
environment.) These are the commands from my script:

# repeat teeth

/gate/{modelName}/repeaters/insert ring

/gate/{modelName}/ring/setRepeatNumber 5

/gate/{modelName}/ring/setPoint1 0 0 {tooth_ring_base_zpos} mm
/gate/{modelName}/ring/setPoint2 0 1 {tooth_ring_base_zpos} mm

/gate/{modelName}/ring/setFirstAngle -20 deg
/gate/{modelName}/ring/setAngularSpan 40 deg
/gate/{modelName}/ring/enableAutoRotation true

where {modelName} is an alias for the individual element to be repeated 
and {tooth_ring_base_zpos} is an alias with the value 60. The centre of 
the repeated element is at (0,0,10) mm, by the way. I get 5 copies on a 
ring with its rotation axis being parallel to the y-axis and passing 
through the expected z position.

If it's still a problem, perhaps you could post the commands you have 
used, and the version you are using.

Best wishes


On 28/08/2015 14:08, Anders Garpebring wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to make a ring repeater where the vector defining the rotation 
> is not in the origin. So the center of rotation is offset to the 
> origin. However the ring of objects I get is still around [0 0 0]. Is 
> this a bug or feature?
> Best,
> Anders
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Paul Betteridge
Adaptix Imaging

paul.betteridge at adaptiximaging.com

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