[Gate-users] LMF segment fault

Santos, Roque rsantost at vols.utk.edu
Wed Aug 19 17:20:41 CEST 2015


This is Roque Santos, from Tennessee. I’m working with Gate V7.1 and lmc 3.0. I have noticed that when I tried to use the lmc output option I got the message: 

segementation violation 

I have run the simulation with just the root outputs and it works. 

My question is the message is caused by some mistake in the mac file, or it is caused by a compilation (installation) of Gate issue. 

I hope you can help me. I’ve been working on this thing for the last week and I don’t know how to solve it. 

Thank you very much 


Roque Santos 
PHD candidate 
University of Tennessee 

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