[Gate-users] photon flux crossing a surface

Alex Vergara Gil alexvergaragil at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 14:00:48 CEST 2015

Dear Simon

Yes, I know Fluence Actor but what I want is to register ONLY photons,
I have to determine the optimal thickness for a material to produce
bremsstralung photons, so I have to remove electrons from fluence,
being electrons what my source produces in the first place.


2015-08-08 13:56 GMT-04:00, Simon Rit <simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>:
> Hi,
> I use the GateFluenceActor for this. Here is an example for a plane:
> /gate/world/daughters/name                              DetectorPlane
> /gate/world/daughters/insert                              box
> /gate/DetectorPlane/geometry/setXLength        1024 mm
> /gate/DetectorPlane/geometry/setYLength        1024 mm
> /gate/DetectorPlane/geometry/setZLength        1 nm
> /gate/DetectorPlane/placement/setTranslation   0 0 -536 mm
> /gate/DetectorPlane/setMaterial                         Air
> /gate/actor/addActor FluenceActor                    DetectorActor
> /gate/actor/DetectorActor/save                          output/fluence.mha
> /gate/actor/DetectorActor/attachTo                    DetectorPlane
> /gate/actor/DetectorActor/stepHitType               pre
> /gate/actor/DetectorActor/setResolution            256 256 1
> Simon
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 4:21 PM, Alex Vergara Gil <alexvergaragil at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear Gaters
>> I wonder if there is an actor to register the photon flux crossing a
>> seurface. How can I proceed?
>> Regards
>> Alex
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