[Gate-users] Single Slice Rebinning (SSR)

J.J.M. Kouwenberg j.kouwenberg at erasmusmc.nl
Fri Apr 24 10:12:56 CEST 2015

Dear Geng,

I'm not a dr yet. I have no experience with SPECT, but the STIR manual states that it can deal with SPECT. It requires a interfile projection file, similar to PET. You will have to find a way to convert the SPECT data in the ROOT file into sinograms, which shouldnt be hard since a similar script exists for PET.

With kind regards,

Jasper J.M. Kouwenberg
Medical Physics Graduate student
Nuclear Medicine

E-mail j.kouwenberg at erasmusmc.nl | Phone +316 2532 9809

From: crgeng_medphys at sina.cn [crgeng_medphys at sina.cn]
Sent: 24 April 2015 04:12
To: J.J.M. Kouwenberg
Subject: Re: Re: [Gate-users] Single Slice Rebinning (SSR)

Dear Dr Kouwenberg,
Is there a similar way can do this for SPECT?
----- Original Message -----
From: "J.J.M. Kouwenberg" <j.kouwenberg at erasmusmc.nl>
To: LORENA VAZQUEZ CANELAS <lorena.vazquez at usal.es>, gate-users <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
Subject: Re: [Gate-users] Single Slice Rebinning (SSR)
Date: 2015-04-07 20:18

Dear Lorena,
STIR can do that. Convert the ROOT data from GATE to STIR using the Gate_BIN script.
With kind regards,
Jasper J.M. Kouwenberg
Medical Physics Graduate student
Nuclear Medicine
E-mail j.kouwenberg at erasmusmc.nl | Phone +316 2532 9809
From: gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org [gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org] on behalf of LORENA VAZQUEZ CANELAS [lorena.vazquez at usal.es]
Sent: 07 April 2015 13:07
To: gate-users
Subject: [Gate-users] Single Slice Rebinning (SSR)
Hi all Gaters,
I need measure the Axial Sensitivity Profile to calculate "S" in my 109 planes of my PET.
My question is if using GATE can be get Single Slice Rebinning (SSR)? Or maybe using STIR?
PhD student
LRI - Datación (Despacho Técnicos)
Calle Espejo, s/n, 37008 - Salamanca (Spain)
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