[Gate-users] Possible PhysicsList problem? Full work example included.

David Sarrut David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Apr 2 10:52:33 CEST 2015

Hello Jye,

maybe try
/gate/physics/addPhysicsList QGSP_BIC_EMY
/gate/physics/addProcess RadioactiveDecay

/gate/physics/addPhysicsList emstandard_opt3
/gate/physics/addProcess RadioactiveDecay

instead of all the lines in your # PHYSICS section

(I think decay is not included in the phys list, to be checked)


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 1:45 AM, Jye Smith <jye.smith at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello GATE,
> Im currently using GATE for therapy dosimetry applications and initially
> ran some test macros with 131I, 177Lu, 90Y to validate the results against
> OLINDA.  Everything looked great, even when running the macro with mono
> energetic particles and comparing the results against published literature.
> Recently I decided to have a look at other diagnostic isotopes 99mTc, 67Ga
> etc and some alpha emitters e.g. 223Ra.  I found the marco I was using
> (originally based on the mouse dosimetry example) did not give results
> close OLINDA when I simply changed the ion source.  Ive got a feeling Im
> not including all of the required parameters in the Physics and tried the
> PhysicsList option with out luck.
> Ive uploaded a working example to http://dropcanvas.com/53wei which is a
> simple ~100gm sphere I can compare to OLINDAs sphere results.  The .xls
> file is a summary of the results.  You can see that for 18F and 177Lu the
> difference in dose to the sphere is within a few percent.  However for
> 67Ga, 99mTc and 223Ra the difference is large.  It appear all positron/beta
> emitters I model the results or good.  For gamma and alpha emitters the
> results are very different.
> I think the correct PhysicsList I need is QGSP_BIC_EMY (e.g.
> /gate/physics/addPhysicsList QGSP_BIC_EMY) and it should allow me to
> simulate gamma, beta and alphas by just changing the ion source.  Ive been
> doing this from the command line like below;
> Gate -a
> [sourcefile,source.dat][numparticles,1000000][outfilename,1.0M_18F.hdr][AtomicNumber,9][AtomicMass,18][ExcitationEnergy,0]
> main.mac
> Any help in correcting the Physics list (or what every else is wrong) is
> greatly appreciated.
> Cheers
> Jye
> main.mac copied here for convenience and to help anyone searching for
> solutions in the future.
> #=====================================================
> # How to run macro
> #=====================================================
> #Gate -a
> [sourcefile,source.dat][numparticles,1000000][outfilename,1.0M_18F.hdr][AtomicNumber,9][AtomicMass,18][ExcitationEnergy,0]
> main.mac
> #Gate -a
> [sourcefile,source.dat][numparticles,1000000][outfilename,1.0M_177Lu.hdr][AtomicNumber,71][AtomicMass,177][ExcitationEnergy,0]
> main.mac
> #Gate -a
> [sourcefile,source.dat][numparticles,1000000][outfilename,1.0M_67Ga.hdr][AtomicNumber,31][AtomicMass,67][ExcitationEnergy,0]
> main.mac
> #Gate -a
> [sourcefile,source.dat][numparticles,1000000][outfilename,1.0M_99mTc.hdr][AtomicNumber,43][AtomicMass,99][ExcitationEnergy,142.6833]
> main.mac
> #Gate -a
> [sourcefile,source.dat][numparticles,1000000][outfilename,1.0M_223Ra.hdr][AtomicNumber,88][AtomicMass,223][ExcitationEnergy,0]
> main.mac
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase GateMaterials.db
> # World
> /gate/world/geometry/setXLength 1 m
> /gate/world/geometry/setYLength 1 m
> /gate/world/geometry/setZLength 1 m
> /gate/world/setMaterial Air
> # Global Box
> /gate/world/daughters/name sphere
> /gate/world/daughters/insert compressedMatrix
> /gate/sphere/geometry/insertReader interfile
> /gate/sphere/interfileReader/insertTranslator range
> /gate/sphere/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/readTable range_geo.dat
> /gate/sphere/interfileReader/readFile sphere.iff
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /gate/physics/addProcess RadioactiveDecay
> /gate/physics/addProcess PhotoElectric
> /gate/physics/processes/PhotoElectric/setModel StandardModel
> /gate/physics/addProcess Compton
> /gate/physics/processes/Compton/setModel StandardModel
> /gate/physics/addProcess RayleighScattering
> /gate/physics/processes/RayleighScattering/setModel PenelopeModel
> /gate/physics/addProcess ElectronIonisation
> /gate/physics/processes/ElectronIonisation/setModel StandardModel e-
> /gate/physics/processes/ElectronIonisation/setModel StandardModel e+
> /gate/physics/addProcess Bremsstrahlung e-
> /gate/physics/addProcess Bremsstrahlung e+
> /gate/physics/processes/Bremsstrahlung/setModel StandardModel e-
> /gate/physics/processes/Bremsstrahlung/setModel StandardModel e+
> /gate/physics/addProcess PositronAnnihilation e+
> /gate/physics/addProcess MultipleScattering e+
> /gate/physics/addProcess MultipleScattering e-
> /gate/physics/addProcess GammaConversion
> /gate/physics/processes/GammaConversion/setModel StandardModel
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /gate/actor/addActor                               DoseActor
>  doseDistribution
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/attachTo          sphere
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/stepHitType           random
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/setPosition           0 0 0 cm
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/setResolution         128 128 128
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableEdep             false
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableUncertaintyEdep  false
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableSquaredEdep      false
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableDose             true
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableUncertaintyDose  false
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableSquaredDose      false
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableNumberOfHits     false
> /gate/actor/doseDistribution/save output/{outfilename}
> /gate/actor/addActor               SimulationStatisticActor stat
> /gate/actor/stat/save             output/{outfilename}-output-stat.txt
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /gate/run/initialize
> #=====================================================
> # SOURCE :
> #=====================================================
> /gate/source/addSource isotope voxel
> /gate/source/isotope/reader/insert interfile
> /gate/source/isotope/interfileReader/translator/insert range
> /gate/source/isotope/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/readTable {sourcefile}
> /gate/source/isotope/interfileReader/readFile sphere.iff
> /gate/source/isotope/setPosition        -64.  -64. -64. mm
> /gate/source/isotope/gps/particle ion
> /gate/source/isotope/gps/ion {AtomicNumber} {AtomicMass} 0
> {ExcitationEnergy}
> /gate/source/isotope/gps/energytype Mono
> /gate/source/isotope/gps/monoenergy 0. keV
> /gate/source/isotope/gps/angtype iso
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /vis/disable
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /gate/random/setEngineName MersenneTwister
> /gate/random/setEngineSeed auto
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /gate/application/noGlobalOutput
> /gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries {numparticles}
> /gate/application/start
> exit
> _______________________________________________
> Gate-users mailing list
> Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/listinfo/gate-users

David Sarrut, Phd
Directeur de recherche CNRS
CREATIS, UMR CNRS 5220, Inserm U 1044
Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
28 rue Laënnec, 69373 Lyon cedex 08
Tel : 04 78 78 51 51 / 06 74 72 05 42
 "2 + 2 = 5,  for extremely large values of 2"
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