[Gate-users] Scanner system and coincidences.

Pedro Correia pmcorreia at ua.pt
Mon Sep 29 12:33:09 CEST 2014

Dear Gaters

I wonder if I can use a general scanner system to simulate an experimental setup in which two scintillators (one LYSO and one BGO) are both read by PMTs, with a gamma source between them, and still have Coincidences in the root output, or I need to read the Hits/Singles tree separately in Root and build a script to obtain the coincidences. 

I don’t know if I can use any PET predefined scanner, because the scintillators have different geometries. 

And instead of one scanner system, what if I have two separated systems, one for each scintillator, I will still be able to have coincidences between the sensitive detectors of separated scanner systems?

Thank you all

Pedro Correia
PhD Student, University of Aveiro. 

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