[Gate-users] Multiple Sources - How GATE Chooses

Fernando Rannou fernando.rannou at usach.cl
Wed Sep 24 19:09:29 CEST 2014


I think it first chooses the source based on the activity left in each
one. It then
chooses the site in that source where to produce the event.
So a source that has 500 uCi has more probability of being chosen than a source
with 100 uCi. But his may change in the future if the 1st source decays faster
than the 2nd one.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Amy Meldrum <ameldru at g.clemson.edu> wrote:
> Gate Users,
> I am hoping someone can clarify something for me that I cannot seem to find
> in the Users Guide. If I define multiple sources in a simulation, and then
> use the /setTotalNumberOfPrimaries command to set the number of primary
> particles run, Does GATE randomly choose between the defined sources as to
> which one starts the next primary particle? And if so, does each source have
> an equal probability of being chosen?
> Thank you,
> -Amy
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