[Gate-users] Issue with creation of sources and volumes

Jose Carvajal josephysics at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 02:51:49 CEST 2014

Hello colleagues!

I'm just entering this world of Monte Carlo simulations and am in front of
a source geometry i'm not sure if it's possible to build.
I understand that for each source, a geometry is intended to be created.
So, given that a background radiation is a source, my question is:

Is it possible to create, say, a phantom Jaszczak with the spheres, but
INCLUDING a radiation background distributed inside the water?, i.e.,
create a volume (for the source) consisting of the cylinder without the
volumes of the spheres...
I imagine that such task is beyond Gate 6.2. Am i wrong? I hope so...

Thank you in advance,


Sorry if my english is poor.
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