[Gate-users] Generic Repeater - Placements text file

Amy Meldrum ameldru at g.clemson.edu
Tue May 6 16:36:46 CEST 2014

Hello Gate users,

In some of my simulations I need to have many many identical volumes, and
using the generic repeater to define them would be best for me, as a
linear, ring, or cubic repeater wouldn't give me exactly what I'd need. I
saw in the User's Guide that you can call a text file (named something like
volumes.placements) that lists the rotations/translations you need for each

However I am unsure if I am using it correctly. I do not need any rotation
of my volumes, just translations. I tried to write a simple file for them
based ont eh description in the user's guide and it looked like:

###### List of placement (translation and rotation)
###### Column 1      is rotationAngle in degree
###### Columns 2,3,4 are rotation axis
###### Columns 5,6,7 are translation in mm
Rotation deg
Translation mm
0       0 0 0       0 0 10
0       0 0 0       0 0 20
0       0 0 0       0 0 30

When I try to reference this file in Gate (in interactive mode)  with the
type of command:
/gate/myvolume/genericRepeater/setPlacementsFilename   volumes.placements

I get an error about "GateMiscFunctions.cc" and it says "Error while

Can anyone help me? Or provide an example of how to use a file to give
translations for a generic repeater?

Thank you,

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