[Gate-users] Install GATE in Mac os Mavericks

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 15:26:06 CET 2014

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 2:54 PM, pmcorreia at ua.pt wrote:
> Dear Folks
> I'm using GATE in a Scientific Linux 6 machine, installed by source as described in the wiki page. Everything is fine.
> But now I tried to install in a mac os machine, with Mavericks operating system.
> I installed CLHEP, ROOT and GEANT4 with Macports, but when I try to install GATE by source, the installation always abort, and I'm not able to find out why.
> Is there anyone who is using Gate in MacOS that can give me some installation guidelines?

I have written a MacPorts package (Portfile) for Gate. See

It also creates Gate.app for more user-friendliness (using some
patches written by Jérôme Suhard).

I haven't touched it since August though, so maybe it needs a minor
review (use the latest version from git, check whether it's already
compatible with Geant4 10.0 etc.). My plan was to include Gate in the
official set of ports. One of the reasons why I didn't do it yet (but
not the only one) was because the port currently fetches Gate files
from my personal GitHub account. It would be certainly welcome if Gate
was officially available via GitHub. Alternatively we need to stick to
my personal GitHub account (not very nice thing to do) or accept the
fact that the sources will have to be downloaded from git over and
over again (MacPorts lacks functionality to archive git or svn sources
if they aren't fetched as a zipped file). The other reason was lack of

If there is interest, I can update the port and include it into
MacPorts. But it would be helpful to know:
- whether there is any chance to make an official GitHub mirror of the sources
- what version should be used (version 6.2 is too old) – simply the
latest commit from git?

If you want to install Gate manually and if you installed Geant4 from
MacPorts, you certainly need to specify something like
where $prefix is probably /opt/local and the last part depends on what
version of Geant4 you want to use (the folder needs to be present on
your machine). If you need any more help, you'll need to provide the
error that you're getting during compilation.


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