[Gate-users] Dose calculation problem

허윤석 zzanghuh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 08:40:21 CET 2014

Dear Gate Users,


I have one question about dose calculation in GATE.

I know that GATE dose equation in GateDoseActor.cc was chaged


dose = edep/density*1e12/mDoseImage.GetVoxelVolume();


dose = edep/density/mDoseImage.GetVoxelVolume()/gray;


But I think the chaged equation also has strange thing.

We know the

gray =  J / kg                                , 1 J = 6.24150934x10e12 MeV

     = 6.24150934x10e12 MeV / kg              , density = g / cm3

     = 6.24150934x10e6 MeV / density / mm3 .

If the unit of edep is MeV and the unit of GetVoxelVolume() is mm3 in the
GATE dose equation,

I think that 6.24150934 x 10e6 was omitted in the GATE equation for dose

Could anyone explain this situation ?

Best regards,

Yoonsuk Huh
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