[Gate-users] output-Edep / output-Dose

Mike Tabriz mtabriz at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 16:12:53 CET 2014

Dear Gate users,
I have written several working macros in simulating dose distributions in a 3D voxelized human phantom. Now, I am trying to validate the code by creating a simple geometry which is no more than a sphere filled with water and a radioactive point source at the center.
Everything appears to be fine when I run the code and I get all the output images in hdr/img format, as expected. When I open the output-Edep or output-Dose files using ImageJ, however, I get a large file filled only with zero values in the matrix. In other words, all of matrix characteristics are as assigned in the Actors macro (size, dimensions etc.) but I cannot find any signals (positive values) anywhere. No dose is collected!
My guess is that the code requires the geometry to be read in as an image with .hdr format and that the sphere created by the code itself is not adequate when you use doseActor (?) I would appreciate your opinion in this area and whether you think there is an easier way of designing this simulation without having to create a sphere separately, converting it into Analyze format and then reading it into the code. I am enclosing some of the relevant information with this e-mail. Thank you.
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