[Gate-users] DoseActor in cylindrical coordinates in a water phantom

Benoit Soubelet benoit.soubelet at epfl.ch
Fri Jul 11 17:16:03 CEST 2014


I recently simulated a cylindrical water phantom with a proton pencil beam
shooting directly particles in the phantom (Z axis).
I wanted to obtain the energy deposition in this volume thanks to a
DoseActor. It is working, but my output file (ASCII) is configured in
Cartesian coordinates. Is there any way to switch the coordinate system to
a cylindrical one?

Best regards,

*Benoît Soubelet,*
*Élève-ingénieur - Double-diplôme ETHZ/EPFL - Ecole Centrale*
*Mail : benoit.soubelet at centraliens-lille.org
<benoit.soubelet at centraliens-lille.org> ou **benoit.soubelet at epfl.ch
<benoit.soubelet at epfl.ch>*
* ou sbenoit at student.ethz.ch <sbenoit at student.ethz.ch> *
Tel : +41 (0)7 91 38 05 25

*"I have a dream today" - Martin Luther King*

*"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you
will join us, and the world will live as one" - John Lennon*
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