[Gate-users] About Output File

Tasneem Rahman Tasneem.Rahman at student.adfa.edu.au
Fri Jan 31 03:18:44 CET 2014

Hi Hojjat,

Extremely grateful for your co-operation. ImageJ and Amide worked properly. But for MATLAB, I am getting -1 for fid and then the second command i.e. fread is not working and obviously rest of the commands are not working . Am I supposed to get the fid as -1 ? I am just wondering if you would like to have a look on the gate.sin file with your provided code.
And is there any software or open source code you know to get reconstruction image from .sin file?
Please let me know.

Good wishes.


From: gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org [mailto:gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org] On Behalf Of Hojjat Mahani
Sent: Friday, 31 January 2014 5:00 AM
To: GATErs
Subject: Re: [Gate-users] About Output File

Hi Smita,

The '.sin' file is simply a set of 2D projection images. It can be analysed by MATLAB, using the following commands:

fid = fopen ('[your output name]', 'r');
projection = fread (fid, 'uint16');
fclose (fid);
projection = reshape (projection, dim1, dim2, dim3); % dim1, dim2 and dim3 are dimensions of the .sin file

Alternatives are completely free tools: ImageJ and Amide. In both tools, once the image is selected, you must select the image type as 16-bit unsigned, little Endian.

Please have a look at the following links which direct you to the ImageJ and Amide web-sites, respectively:

ImageJ: http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/

Amide: http://amide.sourceforge.net/index.html

The '.hdr' file is also a header-file which contains GATE interfile-output information. Such a file will help you to identify .sin file specifications such as height, width and number of projection images (dim1, dim2 and dim3, respectively).

Good work,


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