[Gate-users] Not generating optical photons

Amy Meldrum ameldru at g.clemson.edu
Tue Jan 28 20:19:59 CET 2014

Gate users,

After much experimentation I believe I believe I have managed to solve the
issue of having scintillation with an alpha source. I needed to include the
proper physics needed for alpha particle interactions. I used the physics
included in the hadrontherapyStandardPhys.mac in addition to Rayleigh
scattering, Scintillation, and the optical physics processes.

Thank you very much to all who helped solve this problem.


On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Amy Meldrum <ameldru at g.clemson.edu> wrote:

> Vesna,
> Yes, I have re-compiled VGate to include optical processes. Right now I am
> wondering if something is wrong with how I attached sensitive detectors and
> attaching volumes to levels of the OpticalSystem.
> -Amy
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Vesna Cuplov <vesna.cuplov at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Amy,
>> Did you turn the Optical flag on when compiling vgate? Could you
>> cross-check.
>> vesna
>> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Amy Meldrum <ameldru at g.clemson.edu>wrote:
>>> Gate Users,
>>> In an attempt to simplify my simulation to identify the problems, I am
>>> using VGate to model an alpha source, a plastic scintillator, and a PMT.
>>> However, when I run my simulation nothing happens; no optical photons are
>>> generated.
>>> I use the OpticalSystem, and set my scintillator material to be a
>>> crystalSD. I have defined my surfaces and have the surface going from my
>>> scintillator to PMT set as perfect_apd (dielectric-metal). My alpha source
>>> is placed just above the scintillator.
>>> For physics I have:
>>> /gate/physics/addProcess Scintillation
>>> /gate/physics/addProcess OpticalAbsorption
>>> /gate/physics/addProcess OpticalRayleigh
>>> /gate/physics/addProcess OpticalBoundary
>>> /gate/physics/processList Enabled
>>> I am at a loss as for why nothing seems to happen with my simulation. Is
>>> there something I am missing or forgot to define?
>>> Thank you for helping,
>>> -Amy
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>> --
>> Dr. Vesna Cuplov
>> http://v-cuplov.net
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