[Gate-users] Edep image output

thibaultmauxion thibault.mauxion at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 17:31:29 CET 2014

Hi Mike, 

Just had a quick look but  seems you have a "geometry vs source" issue. 
The origin of the scale for the voxelized source is not set in the center of the geometry but at one corner (never remember which one). 
To match both scales, you need to shift your voxelized source by half of its total dimension using SetPosition) 

for more info, see http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Users_Guide_V6:Voxelized_Source_and_Phantom 
under voxelized source section. 

I would also make sure the size of the voxels is consistent for the geometry and the voxelized source. 

Hope this helps 


Post-doctoral fellow
Division of Medical Imaging Physics 
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
JHOC 4260, 601 N. Caroline street, Baltimore, MD, 21287
Tel: +1 410 502 3772
Fax: +1 410 614 1060

On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:09 AM, Mike Tabriz <mtabriz at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear GATE users,
> In an attempt to simulate collection of dose in thyroid (target) from activity in lungs (source) I get the following images. Capture 4 shows a head slice from the Zubal phantom. Capture 5 shows the Edep image output file at the same exact slice. What is curious about this output image is that the head appears to be embedded in the lungs!
> Any opinions as to the cause of this phenomenon is greatly appreciated.
> With thanks in advance,
> Mike 
> <Capture4.PNG><Capture5.PNG>_______________________________________________
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