[Gate-users] Not generating optical photons

Amy Meldrum ameldru at g.clemson.edu
Mon Jan 20 19:53:42 CET 2014


Yes, I have re-compiled VGate to include optical processes. Right now I am
wondering if something is wrong with how I attached sensitive detectors and
attaching volumes to levels of the OpticalSystem.


On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Vesna Cuplov <vesna.cuplov at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Amy,
> Did you turn the Optical flag on when compiling vgate? Could you
> cross-check.
> vesna
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Amy Meldrum <ameldru at g.clemson.edu>wrote:
>> Gate Users,
>> In an attempt to simplify my simulation to identify the problems, I am
>> using VGate to model an alpha source, a plastic scintillator, and a PMT.
>> However, when I run my simulation nothing happens; no optical photons are
>> generated.
>> I use the OpticalSystem, and set my scintillator material to be a
>> crystalSD. I have defined my surfaces and have the surface going from my
>> scintillator to PMT set as perfect_apd (dielectric-metal). My alpha source
>> is placed just above the scintillator.
>> For physics I have:
>> /gate/physics/addProcess Scintillation
>> /gate/physics/addProcess OpticalAbsorption
>> /gate/physics/addProcess OpticalRayleigh
>> /gate/physics/addProcess OpticalBoundary
>> /gate/physics/processList Enabled
>> I am at a loss as for why nothing seems to happen with my simulation. Is
>> there something I am missing or forgot to define?
>> Thank you for helping,
>> -Amy
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> --
> Dr. Vesna Cuplov
> http://v-cuplov.net
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