[Gate-users] Problems in VISUALIZATION

Tasneem Rahman Tasneem.Rahman at student.adfa.edu.au
Wed Jan 15 07:42:20 CET 2014

Dear Gate Users,

I am going through the following link to get started with GATE:


from the corresponding scripts of this link I should get the corresponding figure in OGLSX window. But I can only see fig 1.1:World volume and later on I can only see fig:1.7 after executing the initialization command.
Meanwhile the zoom commands are working while I can see the world volume is basically zooming in. But I cannot see the scanners and rest of the daughters (i.e fig 1.2 to 1.6). Is there any extra command to see these updates that I am missing or this link didn't provide that?

Also while opening OGLSX, few failure commands are showing in the terminal (please see the attached figure).  Are these the reason that I cannot see the updates while making geometry?

I am using Gate_v6.1 in Ubuntu 11.10. Please let me know how to resolve this issue.



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