[Gate-users] problem adding a dose actor

S. Saghamanesh s.saghamanesh at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 19 13:59:59 CET 2014

"setResolution" builds the number of your dose voxels (in your case a 1*3000-matrix) and the dose will be calculated in these voxels. The alternative for this is to set "voxelsize" in the dose actor (you can see in the gate example for dose actor). If your system gives a segmentation fault, it  may be due to the small RAM or a low capability related to your system. I remember when I had chose a large number of voxels (regarding my RAM), my system produced this error and when I reduced the number, it could process it.
Best- Soman 

     On Friday, December 19, 2014 12:36 AM, Alex Vergara Gil <alexvergaragil at gmail.com> wrote:

 Hello All!

In the Manual, in the section Users Guide V7.0:Readout parameters for
applications: Actors, I have a question regarding the meaning of the line

/gate/actor/MyActor/setResolution 1 1 3000

What is the meaning of these numbers?
if I modify them, then Gate produces segmentation faults and/or never
starts running, but i need to produce my own detector so I need to
know what is this. May somebody explain this to me please.


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