[Gate-users] copy lmf file to the /opt/

Mathieu DUPONT mdupont at cppm.in2p3.fr
Mon Dec 8 13:54:25 CET 2014


what is your operating system ? and your compiler ? I tried on Scientific Linux 6 (and gcc 4.9.1), and I success to compile the examples. Can u copy/paste more lines ? 

for your second question, if you want to write in /opt, you must do it as root (depends on your configuration, you can use sudo) 

good luck 

----- Mail original -----

De: "seta al-enazi" <seta_enazi at yahoo.com> 
À: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org 
Envoyé: Vendredi 5 Décembre 2014 17:08:32 
Objet: [Gate-users] copy lmf file to the /opt/ 

Dear Gater 
i try to use LMF format to store my data of cylindrical PET system , i installed LMf_v3.0 
but when i followed the lmf user guide i have faced two problems: 
when i complied the LMF library and examples , i should have 5 examples ( EXE_01,EXE_02,EXE_03,EXE_04, and EXE_05) to verify that the library has been correctly installed, but instead of this, i got only two examples EXE_01 and EXE_02 and there was an error message as following: 
//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: error adding symbols:DSO missing from command line. 
collect2: error :ld returned 1 exit status 

when i tried to creat LMF files from GATE. 
according to the guide user i should copy LMF/ to /opt/ directory , but when i used cp command there was an error message as: 
you can not creat this file, permission denied 
is there another method to copy one directory into another directory ? 



ÇáãÓÊÞÈá ãáß áÃÕÍÇÈ ÇáÃÍáÇã ÇáÌãíáÉ .. 

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