[Gate-users] Initial steps of source particles have incorrect starting volume location

Amy Meldrum ameldru at g.clemson.edu
Tue Aug 26 21:54:05 CEST 2014

Gate users,

I have previously successfully built a simulation in which I have numerous
scintillating spheres in a cylinder whose interstitial space contains alpha
or beta radioactivity. This simulation runs okay, and the source particles
are start in my expected volume, Waterbox.

Then I tried to slightly modify this simulation such that my source was now
a Surface source that is located around each scintillating sphere. I have
defined the same number of sources as I have beads. However, when I run a
short test simulation with this, and verbosity set to 2, the output says
that all of my source particles start in my pmt volume. This cannot be
correct, as the x, y, and z coordinates of the first step of each particle
do not correspond to either of my two pmt volumes.

I have attached my master macro (sourcetest.mac), my source definition
macro (source.mac), my placements file for my repeater (test.placements),
and the saved output from Gate when verbosity is set to 2 for this
simulation (GateOut.out). Can anyone take a look and see why my particles
are behaving so weirdly? When I visualize my source (one by one) I do in
fact see spheres, as expected, but I do not know why they are not being
tracked correctly. The difference in centroids for the scintillating
spheres and the centroids for the source spheres is because of the mother
volume for the scintillating spheres being offset from the origin. But I am
fairly confident that they match up together in the simulation itself.

Any help is appreciated, I am very stumped.

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