[Gate-users] phase space error
Sara Beilla
beilla.sara1 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 09:57:39 CEST 2014
Dear Stathis*, *
Great it works well, my simuation run and I have the information concerning
my particles.
We can comment out the DEBUG #define DEBUG to don't slow down the
calculation time.
Thank you sincerely for all the time that you set and all your explanations.
Best regards,
*Beilla Sara*
Doctorante en Charge d'Enseignement
Imagerie Cérébrale & Handicaps Neurologiques
CHU PURPAN - Pavillon Baudot
Bureau 326 - 3ème étage
Place du Dr Baylac 31024
TOULOUSE - Cedex 3
E-mail: sara.beilla at inserm.fr
2014-04-22 10:27 GMT+02:00 Sara Beilla <beilla.sara1 at gmail.com>:
> Dear Stathis,
> I 'm going to apply the modifications.
> Thank you very much for the time and the help you gave me.
> Best regards,
> Sara
> ________________________________________________
> *Beilla Sara *
> Doctorante en Charge d'Enseignement
> Imagerie Cérébrale & Handicaps Neurologiques
> CHU PURPAN - Pavillon Baudot
> Bureau 326 - 3ème étage
> Place du Dr Baylac 31024
> TOULOUSE - Cedex 3
> E-mail: sara.beilla at inserm.fr
> 2014-04-19 21:01 GMT+02:00 Stathis Kamperis <ekamperi at gmail.com>:
> To summarize, the steps one needs to go through in order to use IAEA
>> phase space files are, in my opinion, the following:
>> 1. Take a backup of the phase space file.
>> 2. Edit the program I quoted in my previous email, so that:
>> The sum of 'pad' array size plus 1 equals the record length as
>> found in the header file.
>> 3. Compile the program, e.g.
>> gcc chkphsp.c -o chkphsp
>> 4. Run the program on the phase space file, e.g.
>> ./chkphsp <your phase space file here>
>> 5. If there are errors, it means that there exist unknown particles
>> inside the phase space file that GATE can't handle. The program will
>> try to fix them by replacing them with photons, for DEBUGGING purposes
>> only.
>> Rerun the program a 2nd time. This time there should be no output.
>> 6. If there are no errors (either because there weren't any at the
>> first place or because they were 'fixed' by the utility), you can
>> proceed. Run your simulation with the phase space file as your beam
>> source. Most likely the simulation will terminate prematurely with an
>> error:
>> GateSourcePhaseSpace.cc (l.252): Source phase space: particle not
>> available in IAEA phase space format.
>> 7. From now own, 2 are the main causes that may be to blame:
>> 7a. Your phase space file uses a fixed 'Z' coordinate.
>> 7b. Your phase space file contains extra longs or extra floats.
>> Regarding 7a. I have already provided a hard-coded fix in my previous
>> emails.
>> Regarding 7b:
>> If your CPU architecture is 32bits wide, then you need to set
>> 'iextralong' (or 'iextrafloat') in the general/src/GateIAEARecord.cc
>> file to the number of extra longs (or extra floats) your header file
>> says there are.
>> If your CPU architecture is 64bits wide, on top of adjusting
>> 'iextralong', you need to change
>> 'typedef long IAEA_I32;' into 'typedef int32_t IAEA_I32;' and also
>> include stdint.h in source/general/include/GateIAEAConfig.h file.
>> 8. #define DEBUG in source/general/src/GateIAEARecord.cc file,
>> 9. Rebuild GATE.
>> 10. Run your simulation and see the printed messages regarding the
>> read particles. Make sure that the values are meaningful (particle
>> type, energy, x,y,z, u,v,w, statistical weight). E.g., the direction
>> cosines need to be bounded on [-1,1] and so on.
>> I hope that my last emails will provide you with enough information to
>> get you started. I'm off.
>> Best regards,
>> Stathis
>> On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 5:20 AM, Stathis Kamperis <ekamperi at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 11:04 PM, Stathis Kamperis <ekamperi at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >> Greetings,
>> >>
>> >> the usage of IAEA phase space files is problematic in many levels.
>> >>
>> >> Most of the times, in my experience, the actual record length of the
>> >> space file is not interpreted correctly. E.g., record length is 53
>> >> bytes but GATE assumes some other length (for reasons I am going to
>> >> list later).
>> >>
>> >> This is a typical case of a framing error (similar to genetics where a
>> >> mutation occurs that inserts or deletes a *single* nucleotide from a
>> >> DNA sequence and all the triplets past that mutation are translated
>> >> incorrectly). The end result is that soon (i.e., after a few particles
>> >> are read) some particle ends up with a particle number other than
>> >> those that are supported (1-5) and GATE fails with:
>> >>
>> >> "GateSourcePhaseSpace.cc (l.252): Source phase space: particle not
>> >> available in IAEA phase space format."
>> >>
>> >> So, an error like the above is indicative that GATE and phase space
>> >> files don't agree on the actual record length.
>> >>
>> >> In Sara's case, the header file looks like this:
>> >>
>> >> 1 // X is stored ?
>> >> 1 // Y is stored ?
>> >> 1 // Z is stored ?
>> >> 1 // U is stored ?
>> >> 1 // V is stored ?
>> >> 1 // W is stored ?
>> >> 1 // Weight is stored ?
>> >> 0 // Extra floats stored ?
>> >> 6 // Extra longs stored ?
>> >> 1 // Incremental history number stored in the extralong array
>> [ 0]
>> >> 0 // Generic integer variable stored in the extralong array [
>> 1]
>> >> 0 // Generic integer variable stored in the extralong array [
>> 2]
>> >> 0 // Generic integer variable stored in the extralong array [
>> 3]
>> >> 0 // Generic integer variable stored in the extralong array [
>> 4]
>> >> 3 // ILB PENELOPE variable stored in the extralong array [ 5]
>> >>
>> >> So:
>> >> 1 byte for particle type +
>> >> 4 bytes for energy +
>> >> 6*4 bytes for (x,y,z,u,v,w) +
>> >> 4 bytes for weight factor +
>> >> 6*4bytes for the extra longs
>> >> sum = 57 bytes
>> >>
>> >> But the header file says:
>> >>
>> >> 53
>> >>
>> >> If you recall my previous analysis that can be found here[1] GATE
>> >> doesn't check for 'W' no matter the value of it in the header file. So
>> >> 'W' is as if it doesn't exist. I don't understand though why the
>> >> header says '1' and doesn't count it later on in the record length. I
>> >> would expect that the header file, at least, would be self-consistent,
>> >> i.e., the sum of record contents would always equal record length.
>> >>
>> >> So:
>> >> 1 byte for particle type +
>> >> 4 bytes for energy +
>> >> 5*4 bytes for (x,y,z,u,v) +
>> >> 4 bytes for weight factor +
>> >> 6*4bytes for the extra longs
>> >> sum = 53 bytes
>> >>
>> >> But the header file says:
>> >>
>> >> 53
>> >>
>> >> So, we are good! But why GATE can't read a record ?
>> >>
>> >> Well, it seems that GATE doesn't read the value of longs or floats
>> >> from the header file, but instead uses some defaults[2]. So, if one
>> >> uses a phase space with extra longs or floats either s/he needs to
>> >> stop using them or inject the correct value of 'iextralong' or
>> >> 'iextrafloat' in GATE and rebuild. Sara is using 6 extra longs so
>> >> 'iextralong' needs to be 6. Right ? Well, not exactly :)
>> >>
>> >> If you take a look here[3], you see that the long array which holds
>> >> the extra longs is declared as IAEA_I32. Considering the name one
>> >> would expect that this is a variable 32 bits long (=4bytes), no matter
>> >> your CPU architecture (32 or 64bits). But, if you look at the
>> >> definition of it here[4], you realize that it is typedef'd to 'long'.
>> >> But sizeof(long) might be 4 bytes on 32 bit CPUs or 8 bytes like mine
>> >> or whatever. So, for me, 'iextralong' needs to be '3' and not '6',
>> >> since 3*8 = 6*4.
>> > Actually, the safest way to go is to fix the definition of IAEA_I32,
>> > like for instance:
>> >
>> > typedef int32_t IAEA_I32;
>> >
>> > (and also include stdint.h)
>> >
>> >>
>> >> If I do this Sara, the phase space files that you sent me are
>> >> interpreted fine and the simulation continues uninterrupted.
>> >>
>> >> Best regards,
>> >> Stathis
>> >>
>> >> _____
>> >> [1] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.science.opengate.user/3701
>> >> [2]
>> http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/lxr/source/6.2.0/source/general/src/GateIAEARecord.cc#L68
>> >> [3]
>> http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/lxr/source/6.2.0/source/general/src/GateIAEARecord.cc#L159
>> > Missing reference here:
>> > [4]
>> http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/lxr/source/6.2.0/source/general/include/GateIAEAConfig.h#L28
>> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> /*
>> >> * A debugging ONLY program that checks a phase space file for unknown
>> particles
>> >> * and replaces them with photons. If you still get an unknown
>> particle error
>> >> * after you run this on you phase space file (take a backup first),
>> then you
>> >> * have a frameshift error.
>> >> */
>> >>
>> >> #include <assert.h>
>> >> #include <stdio.h>
>> >>
>> >> #define ABS(x) ((x)<0 ? -(x) : (x))
>> >>
>> >> struct rec {
>> >> char particle;
>> >> char pad[52]; /* 1 + 52 = 53 bytes which is the record
>> >> length as found in the header file */
>> >> } __attribute__((packed));
>> >>
>> >> int
>> >> main(int argc, char *argv[])
>> >> {
>> >> FILE *fp;
>> >> struct rec r;
>> >> int cnt, rv;
>> >>
>> >> fp = fopen(argv[1], "r+");
>> >> assert(fp);
>> >>
>> >> cnt = 0;
>> >> do {
>> >> ++cnt;
>> >> rv = fread(&r, sizeof(struct rec), 1, fp);
>> >> assert(rv > 0 || (rv == 0 && feof(fp)));
>> >> /* Particle number maybe negative, that's OK. */
>> >> char part = ABS(r.particle);
>> >> if (part != 1 && part != 2 && part != 3 && part !=4 &&
>> >> part != 5) {
>> >> printf("Wrong particle=%d at record=%d
>> byte=%ld",
>> >> r.particle, cnt, ftell(fp));
>> >> /* Override unknown particle with a photon */
>> >> r.particle = 1;
>> >> assert(fseek(fp, -sizeof(struct rec),
>> SEEK_CUR) != -1);
>> >> assert(fwrite(&r, sizeof(struct rec), 1, fp)
>> == 1);
>> >> printf(" [Fixed]\n");
>> >> }
>> >> } while(!feof(fp) && !ferror(fp));
>> >>
>> >> assert(fclose(fp) != -1);
>> >>
>> >> return 0;
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Sara Beilla <beilla.sara1 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>> Dear Gaters,
>> >>>
>> >>> I used a phase space created by PRIMO ( Software allowing to create a
>> phase
>> >>> space) but when i lauched my simulation i have an error message:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> /home/beilla/Software/gate_v6.2/source/physics/src/GateSourcePhaseSpace.cc
>> >>> (l.252): Source phase space: particle not available in IAEA phase
>> space
>> >>> format.
>> >>>
>> >>> i didn't find solution to this problem in messages already posted.
>> >>>
>> >>> I have already check in GateSourcePhaseSpace.cc and my phase space, my
>> >>> particles are indentified (gamma, e-, e+)
>> >>>
>> >>> Thank you in advance.
>> >>>
>> >>> Best regards,
>> >>>
>> >>> Beilla Sara
>> >>>
>> >>> ________________________________________________
>> >>>
>> >>> Beilla Sara
>> >>>
>> >>> Doctorante en Charge d'Enseignement
>> >>>
>> >>> INSERM UMR825
>> >>> Imagerie Cérébrale & Handicaps Neurologiques
>> >>> CHU PURPAN - Pavillon Baudot
>> >>> Bureau 326 - 3ème étage
>> >>> Place du Dr Baylac 31024
>> >>> TOULOUSE - Cedex 3
>> >>> E-mail: sara.beilla at inserm.fr
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