[Gate-users] Huge commits to git

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 15:37:43 CEST 2014

Dear developers,

Huge root files appeared in the git repository today.

The repository, gzip-ed, took only 1,6 MB until recently. Now
individual binary root files exceed 200 MB and the whole checkout is
more than half a gigabyte. That makes working with the repository
highly problematic, for all kinds of reasons:
- your server might start choking
- github doesn't even allow storing files above 100 MB (and throws
warnings on files above 50 MB)
- users on slow networks will have serious problems fetching the sources

I would like to kindly ask if you could review the situation and
possible remove those files from repository (including removing them
from history, not just from current version). If there is a need for
such huge files, maybe you can create another public repository
storing such files.


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