[Gate-users] Job Splitter

Marc Chamberland MarcChamberland at cmail.carleton.ca
Tue Sep 24 19:46:43 CEST 2013


Just run the jobsplitter with the command line given in the user's guide. The jobsplitter should take care of filling out those variables for you.



Marc Chamberland, MSc
PhD candidate
Department of Physics
Carleton University
Ottawa (ON)

On 2013-09-24, at 1:40 PM, Toninho Antonio <acbertolo at gmail.com<mailto:acbertolo at gmail.com>>

I hope someone can help me.

We have GATE 6.2 already running in a Condor cluster.

What are  condor script we should prepare?

What are the contend for the variables

GC_EXEC and GC_MACRO at condor.script example at .../cluster_tools/jobsplitter/script$ directory.

Example, if I want run the macro benchPET.mac, what are the those variables to use Job Splitter?
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