[Gate-users] "setImage" entrance function

liubin golder_time at 163.com
Mon Sep 16 02:29:53 CEST 2013

Dear David,

   According to  your  recommended resource "Practical Exercice PE9 : proton beam in CT " on the site http://www.general-files.org/download/source/gs607f2bb3h32i0, I use Vv converting the CT datas to .hdr/img format , Gate can work successfully by inserting .hdr/img file using volume type 'ImageNestedParametrisedVolume' ,but it is not able to visualize the insertion of a voxelized volume in Gate?

   For debug purpose, I use the macro /gate/patient/ enableBoundingBoxOnly true. As you say on that web, this will ignore the real number of voxel of the image and consider a (1,2,3) resolution, with a single pixel on the X axis, 2 on the Y and 3 on Z. 

I am not sure which coordinate system  the image are located ? 

"a single pixel on the X axis, 2 on the Y and 3 on Z "  is considered in GATE coordinate system  of  World either CT scanning coordinate system.

I want to know how to identify the  voxelized volume of .hdr/img or mhd/raw format orientation such as left,right , Head (superior), Supine (face-up), Anterior


     Another problems is that the macro command "gate/patient/geometry/SetImage "  , what  is the  "setImage"  entrance function?

      Thank you a lot.

Yours sincerely


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