[Gate-users] Does digitization on Singles data affact Hits data?

Yicheng Liang y22liang at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 18:54:22 CET 2013

Dear gate users:

I am trying to make a c++ program to obtain the coincidence data from
Singles data without digitization such as energy/time blurring. To validate
the program. I used the example_PET example to obtain Singles data without
digitization and Coincidence data with digitization (energy/time blurring
and threshold) using GATE with the same random number generator and seed.
I used the original example file to obtain the coincidence data. For the
singles data, I deleted all the digitizer commands except the following:

/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert adder
/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert readout
/gate/digitizer/Singles/readout/setDepth 1

However, I found the Hits file from the two runs are different in terms of
eventID, time and energy starting from the second event. The first events
are the same.

The figure 8.1 of the documentation wiki shows the digitizer which is
organized as a chain of modules to process Hits data to Singles data. If I
understand correctly, the digitization should not affect the Hits file
because it is the raw input.

I am wondering if the process of generation of Hits and energy/time
blurring are shared with the same random number generator.

Thanks for your kind help.

Best regards,

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