[Gate-users] Gate version 6.2 idling issue (a seed generator issue ?)

Emmanuel BRARD emmanuel.brard at iphc.cnrs.fr
Tue Mar 12 15:59:17 CET 2013

I have encountered some difficulties in using Gate version 6.2 : when I try
to launch a simulation, quite often Gate got stuck no do nothing. This seems
to be related to the random engine. From time to time it seems that the
random engine (in auto mode) gets a wrong seed (a negative one for example)
and get stuck there. I tried providing my own seed from a file, and even
though the seed seems to be taken into account, the result from the
simulation (the dat files)  are always the same (a diff command yields no
difference).  This can be repeated using any random engine provided. 


Thank you,



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