[Gate-users] Parallel hole Collimator

Carlos Uribe carluri at phas.ubc.ca
Mon Mar 11 19:31:41 CET 2013

Hello everyone,

I'm following the user's guide
trying to model a parallel hole collimator.

The guide shows the following example:

/gate/SPECThead/daughters/name colli

#specify that the parallel beam collimator setup must be used
/gate/SPECThead/daughters/insert parallelbeam

#set the collimator material
/gate/colli/setMaterialName Lead

#set the collimator dimensions
/gate/colli/geometry/setDimensionX 70 cm
/gate/colli/geometry/setDimensionY 80 cm

#set the thickness of the collimator
/gate/colli/geometry/setHeight 3 cm

#specify the hole radius
/gate/colli/geometry/setInnerRadius 0.5 cm

#set the septal thickness to the required distance between the holes
/gate/colli/geometry/setSeptalThickness 0.2 cm
/gate/colli/placement/setRotationAxis 0 0 1
/gate/colli/placement/setRotationAngle -90 deg

I'm getting a problem as follows:

/opt/simulation/gate_v6.2/source/geometry/src/GateVVolume.cc (l.179): The
material of the volume side hole 1 is not defined.

Anyone knows how to fix this?


Carlos F Uribe
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