[Gate-users] problem with voxelez the phantom and the source

mariam zoubair zoubair-mariam at hotmail.fr
Tue Mar 5 17:21:43 CET 2013

Dear Gate users 
I try to follow all the steps to run CT scanner, I have an image of 512 x 512 pixels. I'm voxelez the phantom and the source (position = -256, -256, 0) but I have not seen any interaction and I have this message.

Can you help me
Thank you 

/tracking/storeTrajectory 1Attributes available for modeling and filtering with  "/vis/modeling/trajectories/create/drawByAttribute" and  "/vis/filtering/trajectories/create/attributeFilter" commands:G4Trajectory:  Charge (Ch): unit: e+ (G4double)  Track ID (ID): G4int  Initial kinetic energy (IKE): G4BestUnit (G4double)  Initial momentum magnitude (IMag): G4BestUnit (G4double)  Initial momentum (IMom): G4BestUnit (G4ThreeVector)  No. of points (NTP): G4int
   PDG Encoding (PDG): G4int  Parent ID (PID): G4int  Particle Name (PN): G4StringG4TrajectoryPoint:  Position (Pos): G4BestUnit (G4ThreeVector)WARNING: Trajectory storing has been requested.  This action may be  reversed with "/tracking/storeTrajectory 0".WARNING: The vis manager will keep up to 100 events.  This may use a lot of memory.  It may be changed with, e.g., "/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate 10". CREATED THE COMMAND /gate/systems/cylindricalPET/addAnewRsector Call VoxelParameterized::InsertReader Range Translator        Range   0 : imageValue in [    0.000e+00 , 1.500e+03 ]  ---> material Air, visibility 1, coulour (0.000e+00,1.000e+00,0.000e+00,2.000e-01)        Range   1 : imageValue in [    1.501e+03 , 2.250e+03 ]  ---> material Water, visibility 1, coulour (1.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,2.000e-01)        Range   2 : imageValue in [    2.251e+03 , 2.750e+03 ]  ---> material Air, visibility 1, coulour (0.000e+00,1.000e+00,0.000e+00,2.000e-01)        Range   3 : imageValue in [    2.751e+03 , 3.848e+03 ]  ---> material RibBone, visibility 1, coulour (0.000e+00,0.000e+00,1.000e+00,2.000e-01)', assuming default BIGENDIAN'LITTLEENDIAN
'nrecognised type name 'unsigned integer Header read from       'CT-IM00120_uint16.h33''Data file name         'm001-IM00120.i33 Nb of planes:           1 Nb of pixels per plane: 512 512 Pixel size:             4.590e-01 4.590e-01 Slice thickness:        2.179e+00 Matrix size:            2.350e+02 2.350e+02 Data type:               Data byte order:        BIGENDIAN

'!ror: Could not open header file 'm001-IM00120.i33 <!> *** WARNING *** <!>  Unknown process: PositronAnnihilationStd <!> *** WARNING *** <!>  Unknown process: MultipleScattering <!> *** WARNING *** <!>  Unknown process: MultipleScattering
 List of Enabled processes:

   ===  Process: PhotoElectric  ===Particle: gamma    * Model(s):       - StandardModel
   ===  Process: Compton  ===Particle: gamma    * Model(s):       - StandardModel
   ===  Process: Bremsstrahlung  ===Particle: e+    * Model(s):       - StandardModelParticle: e-    * Model(s):       - StandardModel
   ===  Process: ElectronIonisation  ===Particle: e+    * Model(s):       - StandardModelParticle: e-    * Model(s):       - StandardModel
List of initialized processes:
[Core-0] Initialization of geometryG4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(): A volume of the same name and  copy number ("world_phys", copy 0) still exists and is being used.  But it is not the same volume you originally specified  in /vis/scene/add/.[Core-0] Initialization of physics[Core-0] Initialization of actors
GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET' 
GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/base'Attached to volume: cylindricalPETNb of children:       1
        GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/rsector'        Attached to volume: head        Nb of children:       1
                GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/module'                Attached to volume: ---                Nb of children:       1
                        GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/submodule'                        Attached to volume: block                        Nb of children:       1
                                GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/crystal'                                Attached to volume: crystal                                Nb of children:       4
                                        GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/layer0'                                        Attached to volume: LYSO                                        Nb of children:       0
                                        GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/layer1'                                        Attached to volume: LSO                                        Nb of children:       0
                                        GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/layer2'                                        Attached to volume: ---                                        Nb of children:       0
                                        GATE object:        'systems/cylindricalPET/layer3'                                        Attached to volume: ---                                        Nb of children:       0geometrical design type: 1ring diameter: -1.750e+01 cm rsector axial pitch: 0.000e+00 fm rsector azimuthal pitch: -4.500e+01 degreersector tangential size: 2.000e+00 cm rsector axial size: 2.530e+01 cm module axial size: 2.530e+01 cm module tangential size: 2.000e+00 cm  module axial pitch: 0.000e+00 fm module tangential pitch: 0.000e+00 fm submodule axial size: 1.900e+00 cm submodule tangential size: 2.000e+00 cm submodule axial pitch: 1.950e+00 cm submodule tangential pitch: 0.000e+00 fm crystal radial size: 2.200e+00 mm crystal axial size: 2.200e+00 mm crystal tangential size: 2.000e+00 cm crystal axial pitch: 2.400e+00 mm crystal tangential pitch: 0.000e+00 fm layer0 radial size: 2.200e+00 mm in layer0 interaction length: 1.100e+00 mm layer1 radial size: 2.200e+00 mm in layer1 interaction length: 1.100e+00 mm Axial nb of rsectors: 1Azimuthal nb of rsectors: 8Axial nb of modules: 1Tangential nb of modules: 1Axial nb of submodules: 13Tangential nb of submodules: 1Axial nb of crystals: 8Tangential nb of crystals: 1Radial nb of layers: 2 Range Translator        Range   0 : imageValue in [    0.000e+00 , 1.500e+03 ]  ---> activity (Bq) 0.000e+00        Range   1 : imageValue in [    1.501e+03 , 2.250e+03 ]  ---> activity (Bq) 1.000e+01        Range   2 : imageValue in [    2.251e+03 , 2.750e+03 ]  ---> activity (Bq) 2.000e+01        Range   3 : imageValue in [    2.751e+03 , 3.848e+03 ]  ---> activity (Bq) 3.000e+01GateSourceVoxelImageReader::ReadFile : fileName: CT-IM00120_uint16.h33', assuming default BIGENDIAN'LITTLEENDIAN
'nrecognised type name 'unsigned integer Header read from       'CT-IM00120_uint16.h33''Data file name         'm001-IM00120.i33 Nb of planes:           1 Nb of pixels per plane: 512 512 Pixel size:             4.590e-01 4.590e-01 Slice thickness:        2.179e+00 Matrix size:            2.350e+02 2.350e+02 Data type:               Data byte order:        BIGENDIAN

'!ror: Could not open header file 'm001-IM00120.i33 **** Error: Volume does not exist ****  Ignoring confine conditionSource ---------------> voxel_brain  ID                  : 0  type                : backtoback  startTime (s)       : 0.000e+00  time (s)            : 0.000e+00  forcedUnstable      : 0  verboseLevel        : 0-----------------------   Voxel reader ---------->   number of voxels       : 0  total activity (Bq)    : 0.000e+00  position  (mm)         : 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00  voxel size  (mm)    : 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00Source --------------> voxel_brain  ID                 : 0  type               : backtoback  activity (Bq)      : 0.000e+00  startTime (s)      : 0.000e+00  time (s)           : 0.000e+00  forcedUnstable     : 0  forcedHalfLife (s) : -6.931e-01  verboseLevel       : 0  relative to vol    : World---------------------- 
    GPS info ---------------->     particle                 : gamma    SourcePosType            : Point    Shape                    : NULL    halfx,halfy,halfz  (mm)  : 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00    Radius             (mm)  : 0.000e+00    CentreCoords       (mm)  : 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00    EnergyDisType            : Mono    AngleDisType            : iso    MinTheta, MaxTheta (deg) : 0.000e+00 1.800e+02    MinPhi, MaxPhi     (deg) : 0.000e+00 3.600e+02    -------------------------- 
GateSourceMgr::ListSources: List of the sources in the source managerSource ---------------> voxel_brain  ID                  : 0  type                : backtoback  startTime (s)       : 0.000e+00  time (s)            : 0.000e+00  forcedUnstable      : 0
 verboseLevel        : 0----------------------- ***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/root/setRootdelayFlag 1> *****
***** Batch is interrupted!! *****[Acquisition-0]                                      [Acquisition-0] ============= Source initialization =============[Acquisition-0]                                      [Acquisition-0] ============= Acquisition starts! =============[Acquisition-0] Simulation start time = 0 sec[Acquisition-0] Simulation end time   = 2.5 sec[Acquisition-0] Simulation will have  = 1 run(s)[Acquisition-0] [Acquisition-0] Slice 0 from 0 to 2.5 s [slice=2.5 s], final stop at 2.5 s.
PhotoElectric:   for  gamma    SubType= 12      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======       PhotoElectric :  Emin= 0.000e+00 eV    Emax= 1.000e+01 TeV
Compton:   for  gamma    SubType= 13      Lambda tables from 1.000e+02 eV  to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======       Klein-Nishina :  Emin= 0.000e+00 eV    Emax= 1.000e+01 TeV
Bremsstrahlung:   for  e-    SubType= 3      dE/dx and range tables from 1.000e+02 eV  to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins      Lambda tables from threshold to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1      LPM flag: 1 for E > 1.000e+00 GeV      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======             eBremSB :  Emin= 0.000e+00 eV    Emax= 1.000e+00 GeV   AngularGenUrban            eBremLPM :  Emin= 1.000e+00 GeV   Emax= 1.000e+01 TeV   AngularGenUrban
ElectronIonisation:   for  e-    SubType= 2      dE/dx and range tables from 1.000e+02 eV  to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins      Lambda tables from threshold to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1      finalRange(mm)= 1.000e+00, dRoverRange= 2.000e-01, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 1.000e-02      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======        MollerBhabha :  Emin= 0.000e+00 eV    Emax= 1.000e+01 TeV
Bremsstrahlung:   for  e+    SubType= 3      dE/dx and range tables from 1.000e+02 eV  to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins      Lambda tables from threshold to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1      LPM flag: 1 for E > 1.000e+00 GeV      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======             eBremSB :  Emin= 0.000e+00 eV    Emax= 1.000e+00 GeV   AngularGenUrban            eBremLPM :  Emin= 1.000e+00 GeV   Emax= 1.000e+01 TeV   AngularGenUrban
ElectronIonisation:   for  e+    SubType= 2      dE/dx and range tables from 1.000e+02 eV  to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins      Lambda tables from threshold to 1.000e+01 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1      finalRange(mm)= 1.000e+00, dRoverRange= 2.000e-01, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 1.000e-02      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======        MollerBhabha :  Emin= 0.000e+00 eV    Emax= 1.000e+01 TeV1 event has been kept for refreshing and/or reviewing.     User simulation time (sec)   := 4.900e-01     Real simulation time (sec)   := 2.860e+00     System simulation time (sec) := 6.000e-02[Core-0] End of macro hrrt.macGateOutputMgr deleting...Graphics systems deleted.Visualization Manager deleting...WARNING - Attempt to delete the physical volume store while geometry closed !WARNING - Attempt to delete the logical volume store while geometry closed !WARNING - Attempt to delete the solid store while geometry closed !WARNING - Attempt to delete the region store while geometry closed !


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