[Gate-users] ion source and nuclear de-excitation

Taschereau, Richard RTaschereau at mednet.ucla.edu
Wed Jun 19 00:15:09 CEST 2013

Hi All,

I am using the ion source for 176Lu with the RadioactiveDecay process on.

The decay part works fine, i.e. 176Lu decays to 176Hf.  However, the deexcitation of the daughter nucleus (176Hf) doesn't seem to take place.  Here's an excerpt from a trace where you can see that the daughter nucleus is left in an excited state (597 keV) but no deexcitation occurs. I have all the data files for PhotonEvaporation.  Is there another process I need to activate?


p.s. Gate V6.2, geant4.9.5.p02, PhotonEvaporation2.2, /RadioactiveDecay3.4


* G4Track Information:   Particle = Hf176[597.0],   Track ID = 2,   Parent ID = 1

Step#    X(mm)    Y(mm)    Z(mm) KinE(MeV)  dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng  NextVolume ProcName
    0        0        0        0  1.53e-06        0        0         0 cylindricalPET_phys initStep
    1    -14.1      -25    -23.1  1.53e-06        0     36.8      36.8    BGO_phys Transportation
    2    -14.4    -25.7    -23.7  1.53e-06        0    0.996      37.8  block_phys Transportation
    3    -14.5    -25.8    -23.8  1.53e-06        0    0.124      37.9    BGO_phys Transportation
    4    -14.6    -25.9      -24  1.53e-06        0    0.262      38.2  block_phys Transportation
    5    -14.7    -26.1    -24.1  1.53e-06        0    0.203      38.4    BGO_phys Transportation
    6    -15.5    -27.7    -25.5  1.53e-06        0     2.32      40.7  block_phys Transportation
    7    -15.6    -27.7    -25.6  1.53e-06        0    0.124      40.9    BGO_phys Transportation
    8    -16.4    -29.2      -27  1.53e-06        0     2.14        43  block_phys Transportation
    9    -16.5    -29.3    -27.1  1.53e-06        0    0.203      43.2    BGO_phys Transportation
   10    -16.7    -29.6    -27.4  1.53e-06        0     0.45      43.6  block_phys Transportation
   11    -16.7    -29.7    -27.5  1.53e-06        0    0.124      43.8    BGO_phys Transportation
   12    -17.8    -31.6    -29.2  1.53e-06        0     2.79      46.6  block_phys Transportation
   13    -17.8    -31.7    -29.3  1.53e-06        0    0.124      46.7    BGO_phys Transportation
   14    -18.1    -32.2    -29.7  1.53e-06        0    0.744      47.4 cylindricalPET_phys Transportation
   15    -84.3     -150     -139  1.53e-06        0      174       221  world_phys Transportation
   16     -562   -1e+03     -924  1.53e-06        0 1.25e+03  1.47e+03  OutOfWorld Transportation

Richard Taschereau, Ph.D.
Associate Researcher
UCLA Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging
570 Westwood Plaza, Building 114, room 4350-C
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1770
Phone: (310) 825-0697
Fax:     (310) 206-8975


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