[Gate-users] Error in reading NCAT phantom

mojtaba jahdasa mjahdasa at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 27 17:08:25 CEST 2013


I used 3D NCAT phantom(128*128*128   uint16) for SPECT simulation(with gate6.1).
It always shows could not open header file NCAT_atn.i33
Error: Could not open header file 'NCAT_atn.i33
Error: Could not open header file 'NCAT_act.i33
i chek 2 suggestions (Panagiotis Papadimitroulas )but not work:

1) Try to write in your header file in the line
!name of data file := NCAT_act.i33         the whole path of your file, like this:
!name of data file := /home/username/NCAT_act.i33 ,or check where is your file. maybe in the data folder,
so just write for your path the: data/NCAT_act.i33   (from where you run Gate)

2) My second suggestion if the above doesn't work, is just to copy the header file from the examples of GATE
for voxelized phantoms... And just change there the written parameters with the parameters you have from
your header file. Do not add more.. I put here an example for not searching... just copy this and change with
your numbers (mostly the appropriate one, like pixel scaling, number of images, matrix size etc..)

do you know other way to solve this problem ?!

Thank you!
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