[Gate-users] Root installation

Abdella Mohammednur abdellanur at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 10:37:09 CEST 2013

Dear Gate users,

I am having a problem in installing root. I am running Gate version 5. I
archived all the previous mails and tried to follow them, but couldn't
work. I did the following:
I extracted root from archived file and the saved it in a folder named
'gate'. I did the following to configure root

[....... at localhost]$ cd gate/root
[....... at localhost root]$ ./Configure --prefix=$PWD

the following message has desplayed

bash: ./Configure: No such file or directory

I tried it without --prefix=$PWD

It  was not working again.

Can anybody help me in installing Root?

 Tohoku university, Japan
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