[Gate-users] Two Root files for the results

Marc Chamberland MarcChamberland at cmail.carleton.ca
Fri Jul 12 20:38:36 CEST 2013

Hi Mariam,

Use the hadd command on the command line:

>hadd [name_you_want_for_your_combined_output] [your_first_root_file] [your_second_root_file] [etc.]



Marc Chamberland, MSc
PhD candidate
Department of Physics
Carleton University
Ottawa (ON)

On 2013-07-12, at 2:36 PM, mariam zoubair <zoubair-mariam at hotmail.fr<mailto:zoubair-mariam at hotmail.fr>>

Dear Gate users

I run a very long calculation with Gate and I obtained two Root files results.  how do I make the combination of the two files in one file.

Can you help me.

Many Thanks




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