[Gate-users] Public read-only access to the GATE source code repository

Albertine Dubois dubois at imnc.in2p3.fr
Mon Jul 1 13:56:49 CEST 2013

Dear Gaters,

On behalf the OpenGATE collaboration, I'm glad to inform the GATE 
community that we are now able to provide a public read-only access to 
the GATE source code repository managed using Git <http://git-scm.com/>.

Please, find below some information and instructions.

1. Install Git

2. Get a local copy of the GATE public code repository
git clone http://git.opengatecollaboration.org/git/opengate-public.git

3. Consider both 'master' and 'develop' remote branches
The GATE public remote repository holds two remote branches named 
'master' and 'develop'. The remote 'master' branch is the main branch 
where the source code reflects a production-ready state (i.e. 
corresponding to the current GATE version V6.2). The remote 'develop' 
branch is the branch where the source code reflects a state with the 
latest delivered development changes for the next release. "git clone" 
automatically creates a local 'master' branch in your local repository 
that tracks the remote one. To track the remote 'develop' branch, just 
type: "git checkout -b develop origin/develop". Then, to switch from one 
to another branch, use "git checkout master" or "git checkout develop".

4. Regularly update your repository
To update your repository, just type "git pull" in your local 
repository, it will download last developments.

5. If you plan to make some personal developments, we highly recommend 
you to create a new branch, starting from the "develop" one. You will 
then be able to regularly merge the 'develop' branch into your branch to 
keep it up to date. Here are the examples of commands:
- git checkout develop           -->  to switch to branch 'develop'
- git branch mybranch          -->  to create a new branch named 'mybranch'
- git checkout mybranch       -->  to switch to the new branch
(do some stuff; you can commit in your branch)
- git merge develop               -->  to update your branch with the 
new commits made in 'develop'

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question or if you 
encounter any problem with these operations.

Enjoy !


Albertine DUBOIS, PhD, GATE engineer
Université Paris Sud - Bâtiment 440
91406 ORSAY Cedex FRANCE

Tel : +33 1 69 15 72 40
Fax : +33 1 69 15 71 96
e-mail : dubois at imnc.in2p3.fr<mailto:dubois at imnc.in2p3.fr>

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