[Gate-users] GATE simulation for multiple sources and sampling according to volume

Thibault Mauxion thibault_mauxion at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 21 11:27:36 CET 2013

Hi Giorgos, 

about your first problem, here is what i understand (correct me if i'm wrong): 

You have 2 sources (let's say 1 cm3 and 2 cm3 spheres) and and the activity concentration is the same in both spheres. As a consequence, the activity is the big sphere is 2 times the one in the small sphere. 

Therefore, I would: 

- define an activity map ( let's call it "Myactivitymap") in interfile format with label "1" in both spheres and "0"outside the spheres. 
- use the linear translator as follow: 

/gate/source/addSource mysourcetype voxel

/gate/source/mysourcetype/reader/insert interfile
/gate/source/mysourcetype/interfileReader/translator/insert linear
/gate/source/mysourcetype/interfileReader/linearTranslator/setScale 1. Bq
/gate/source/mysourcetype/interfileReader/readFile /Myabsoulutepath/data/Myactivitymap.iff

- define the emission probability of "mysourcetype". Since noth spheres will be attached to this source, emission probabilities will be the same.

Good luck...hope this will help ;) 


Toulouse Cancer research center
Faculté de Médecine de Toulouse-Rangueil
Biophysique - Bâtiment A3
133 route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse

Le 20 janv. 2013 à 23:13, Giorgos Anagnostopoulos a écrit :

> Dear GATE users,
> I. I am trying to build a .mac file for a number of sources having specific volumes, which emit the same energy spectrum.It is not clear to me in which manner someone could let particles be emitted in a manner that the emission probability is proportional to their volume, e.g two spheres one next to each other, that one is twice as big in its volume than the other should emit twice as many particles as the other (has a double weight in other words). Has someone encountered this issue before?
> II. Is there a way to calculate dose in a dosel, by using the TrackLength Actor? How could someone define that the track length of a photon according to its transferred energy in this dosel 'falls' inside a specific energy bin and its track length is multiplied with a tabulated value of a mass collisional stopping power or a mass energy absorption coefficient, so as in the end to calculate Dose or Kerma??? Is there a way to do it?
> Thanks all of you in advance for your great help.
> Kind regards,
> Giorgos Anagnostopoulos
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