[Gate-users] source rotation using "attachTo" command

山中 琢 takuyama at med.hokudai.ac.jp
Tue Jan 15 08:16:05 CET 2013

Hello GATE users,

I've been working on the rotation of the source.
I checked through the mailing list and found it should work with "attachTo"
I tried it with a simple geometry, but never succeeded. Always only the
phantom rotates and not the source.

The old method using posrot1 and posrot2 worked but the theory behind it is
still kinda confusing.

My GATE is ver6.2, is there anyone who did rotate the source with
"attachTo" command?


Hokkaido University,  Graduate school of medicine, medical physics and
engineering D1
Taku Yamanaka

takuyama at med.hokudai.ac.jp
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