[Gate-users] Gate 6.2 app Mac OS 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8

Jérôme Suhard jerome at suhard.fr
Mon Jan 7 11:56:15 CET 2013


an updated app for Mac OS is ready @ http://suhard.fr/gate/gate6.2.dmg(92Mo).

Run from Leopard ( 10.5 ) to Mountain Lion ( 10.8 ) on Intel 64bits.

Compiled with :
* Gate 6.2
* Geant4 9.6
* ROOT 5.34/03
* Qt 4.8.3

* Open the dmg
* Drag and drop the app in your /Applications folder

--> using Qt interface:
* Double-click the app and type your commands on the prompt or open your
macro by the File menu
* Double-click on "mac" file in the Finder
* Drop the file to the dock icon

- Geant4 is still monothread so Qt interface is frozen when heavy tasks
like beamOn and startDAQ are performed. Meanwhile, the dock icon become red.
- checks relative paths, ie: */gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase
../../GateMaterials.db* must be avoided. The app changes directory to the
macro's folder then launchs the macro itself.

--> using Terminal:
$ cd your_macro_folder/
$ /Applications/Gate.app/Contents/MacOS/gate your_macro.mac

If someone is interested, patchs will follow.

Best regards,
Jérôme Suhard
INSERM, France
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