[Gate-users] Energy distribution of "ion source" in Gate

Lee, Sam (SAM LEE) slee91 at utk.edu
Thu Feb 7 22:39:07 CET 2013


In Gate, a source can be specified by using "ion source", which takes Atomic number, Atomic weight Ionic Charge, and excitation energy as arguments. I  was wondering how accurately this ion-source models the energy distribution of the isotope. Does it model most of the energy peaks? Can anyone point to me the right documentation in Geant4?

The reason I am asking this question is that I am trying to model all the energies which gets emitted from I-123 source. I was manually specifying energy distribution using histogram keyword to model I123 source energy distribution. I was wondering whether using ion-source to rely on Gate to specify energy distribution automatically is more accurate.

Sanghyeb(Sam) Lee

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

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