[Gate-users] Yttrium Microspheres Simulation

kostadus at yahoo.com kostadus at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 14 19:28:36 CET 2013

Hello everyone, 
I am new to Gate and I want to simulate yttrium radioembolisation treatment. In this treatment a big number of small size microspheres, approximately 1 million spheres of 25 micrometer size are inserted in the human liver and selectively located in the tumor due to the unique blood flow of the liver.

I would like to ask if anyone knows, if it is possible to simulate properly so many spheres of yttrium of that size located in specific location inside the volume of a voxelized phantom. (Overlaping the voxelized phantom with the spheres phantom).

Any help will be helpfull and much appreciated.

Best regards,
Konstantinos Mountris.

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