[Gate-users] FW: testing Gate

mariam zoubair zoubair-mariam at hotmail.fr
Mon Apr 8 20:53:00 CEST 2013

 Hi Gate user
 I am a new user Gate, I try to simulate HRRT and I did a test just to start simulation with Gate. I simulate a cylinder filled with air and I compare the results of the machine without the cylinder (inside the machine filled with air). I find these results:

With Cylinder:
Without Random Command         Mersenne Twiter             Ranlux64
Trues:                         7447                        7750                           7714Scatters:                      33                                44                             41Random:                       4                                  3                                2

without Cylinder:
Without Random Command         Mersenne Twiter             Ranlux64
Trues:                        7558                         7690                          7691Scatters:                      0                                  0                                0Random:                       0                                  1                              1

I do not know the code well so I do not know what is the difference between  results with with and without cylinder is normal and I also know that by default  the Gate takes this option Mersenne Twister so why I have the difference between without Random command and with this option .

can you help me?

Best regards 


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