[Gate-users] Visualizing Voxelized Phantom in Analzye Image Format

Matthew Belley mdb52 at duke.edu
Wed Nov 7 19:58:59 CET 2012

Dear Gate Users,

In the past, I have used the "imageReader" and "interfileReader" tools 
to import and visualize voxelized phantoms (via R, G, B, and alpha 
definitions in the "range.dat" file).

However, I am now no longer using these aforementioned tools.  I am now 
using the radiation therapy tools described in the "Alternative usage of 
voxelized geometry" section of the documentation. Therefore, I insert my 
phantom from Analyze format images and I set the materials based upon a 
3-column file that is similar to the "patient-HU2mat.txt" example file.  
This file does not allow me to set R, G, B, and alpha color values for 
the materials.

How is it possible to set R, G, B and alpha values for visualization 
when using this Analyze image method?

Best regards,

Matthew Belley

Doctoral Student
Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University
Duke Radiation Dosimetry Laboratory, Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina 27705

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