[Gate-users] Gate on cluster

Hermann Fuchs hermann.fuchs at meduniwien.ac.at
Fri Nov 2 11:00:02 CET 2012


At the moment this is not possible, as Gate is single threaded.
However, there is a multithreaded version in development, so such a
thing might be possible soon.

For the moment, you have to split your simulation.

Best reards,

On Fri, 2012-11-02 at 07:27 +0100, bassim wrote:
> Hallo Gate user,
> I have a small question about running Gate on cluster with parallel 
> technique. I am using Gate with v6.2 and I want to run my mac file on 
> one PC, but on eight processors of this PC. I don't wat to split my mac 
> file to 8 files, but the mac file on 8 processors running with only one 
> output file, e.g. lmf.ccs as an output. Is there anyone who has done 
> something linke this or has been written  a code for parallelization a 
> mac file with Gate. I would be apprecaited for your hints and help. 
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Best regards,
> Bassim

DI Hermann Fuchs
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical University Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1090 Wien

Tel.  + 43 / 1 / 40 400 7271
Mail. hermann.fuchs at meduniwien.ac.at

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